Line Source Array Center Channel V4


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Customizable Line Source Array Center Channels For Large Micro-LED Displays

Customizable high-output center channels for Large Micro-LED displays. This product series provides a solution to increase audio clarity and overall performance when the center channel must be installed above or below a hard surface display. We use a proprietary wavefront curvature technic to shift the sonic image to the center of the array. This ensures the horizontal localization remains at the center of the screen for any listener seated off-center/ axis. The proprietary DSP Loudspeaker management implementation required is included using our new generation of DSP amplifiers.

Two-Fold Customization with Sage Cinema or Wisdom Series

The length of the Line Source Array Center Channel is adjustable, not to match the size of the display, but to match the width of the listening area. The performance level can also be adjusted using either the Sage Series Planar Magnetic drivers, which cover 6 Octaves of the spectrum and then transition to woofers, or the Wisdom Series, where all 8 Octaves are reproduced by planar magnetic drivers.

Unique Design Approach

Line source devices are typically used vertically. This is the first horizontal application providing the same power over distance (matching the vertical line source) and allowing the benefits of the line source’s clarity (hearing less of the room) to be used in designing solutions around large LED displays. 

Key Features

Customizable Length & Performance Levels

Enhance Clarity
More Power Over Distance
Share Experience
New Horizontal Design with Comparable Experience to Vertical

Highly Detailed & Dynamic
Covers 6 or 8 Octaves of Clarity (Specification Dependant)
Light Weight Film PEEK
FAST Acceleration

Improved Channel-to-Channel Separation (Higher Inter-Channel Cross Correlation)
Higher Seat-to-Seat Consistency Achieved in SPL using Line Source
Higher Seat-to-Seat Consistency Achieved in Spectral Content using Crossover Alignment


Frequency Response40Hz – 20kHz (Sage Cinema Series) 80Hz – 20kHz (Wisdom Series)
Power HandlingRelative to model being specified
Sensitivity98 – 105 dB relative to model being specified
DSP Amplifiers Channels Included6 – 15 relative to model being specified
Shipping WeightRelative to model being specified
Dimensions HxWxDRelative to model being specified


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Line Source Array Spec Sheet

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